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So, what has been happening since I’ve been writing A Condensed History? Well, quite a lot. I’ve discovered some new music on

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Stoner Rock

What is Stoner Rock?

I’ve discovered some great Stoner Rock. There are three bands that get this so right

  • Samsara Blues Experiment from Germany
    • Check out their new album “End of Forever”
  • King Weed from France
    • Check out “Let There Be Weed”
  • Liquify from America
    • Check out “The Spell of Orion” from Illusionary Reality

Another band that falls into this category but with a more psychedelic/hard rock feel are

  • Planet Cruiser from Montreal, Quebec
    • Check out “Riders of the Edge”

Heavy Rock

I was so taken with the band Electric Hydra from Sweden, I immediately bought the Limited white/orange swirl vinyl. Cool artwork, great vinyl, heavy sound.

murpworks - musicfan6160 - Discovery - EH vinyl image (own image)

Tolkien Rock

I’m finding Bandcamp an excellent source for music, both new and old. Their carefully crafted “Bandcamp Daily Lists” are really good for discovery. A recent one “The Fellowship of the Bands: Nine Artists Inspired By “Lord of the Rings” brought another band to my attention: Gimli, Son of Glóin. Stripped back Metal with a touch of humour – just the best. This in turn led me to Dwarrowdelf. This band are related to the previous one via Tom O’Dell. Longer, more melodic Metal, again under the spell of Tolkien. The album cover to “Evenstar” is beautifully evocative and has made it straight onto my favourite list. On and on…

Let me know if you find any of the above genres and bands interesting.

Next Post – Vinyl

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Published in Heavy Rock Stoner Rock Tolkien Rock


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