A Three CD clutch of the best new pieces of music I recently got into. We’ve got
- Sleep and “Sleep’s Holy Mountain” – Stoner Metal
- Electric Wizard and “Dopethrone” – Doom and I do mean Doom!
- Fu Manchu with “Godzilla’s/Eatin’ Dust + 4” – Stoner Rock out of California
Three of the best Stoner / Doom – distorted, heavy, not for the faint-hearted. These three albums will take you places, whether you want to go there is another matter…
They also represent three great album covers. The art of album covers is one of the things that drives my love of music. The above three have nothing in common but each captures the essence of its album. It’s as though, once created, the music and the album art meld and live a life of their own. I love Sleep’s graphic hints at things. It’s so not restful. Dopethrone’s blurry scariness tells you what’s coming. People will complain about the disparate typefaces but I love them both. Fu Mach’s retro vibe of headphones and Panasonic Receiver speak to my soul 😉
As I say, a three CD clutch of the best.
Interesting link to the past with Fu Manchu playing Thin Lizzy‘s “Jailbreak”. I saw Thin Lizzy with Phil Lynott live in the ’70’s (see A Condensed History Pt. 2)
