Tag Archives: Tintin


19 May 2020


murpworks - The Tales of Silverdale - Adrift... - Boat on a Pond image

Adrift on a pond, a lake, a sea or a canal…

There is something about being adrift that brings freedom . You may be at the mercy of forces you are not in control of but this can lead to new beginnings. I think as long as you regain control, it may be good to drift for a while…

Tintin and Captain Haddock are adrift. There is no sign of an oar, a sail or an outboard motor and there is no sign of land. They also appear to be socially distancing but that’s another story…

To be in a small boat with someone means you have to get along. It’s a confined space and even though a narrowboat may be long (Silverdale is 59 feet), it’s narrow (hence the name) at 6 feet 10 inches. You can’t go and isolate in the East Wing. mu and I get on fine. We always have, we always will. So, we have no worries there. Tintin and Captain Haddock also get on well.

I like to think there’s a little of both Tintin and Captain Haddock in me. Tintin: the intrepid reporter/explorer and Haddock: the dependable sea dog who curses and likes a drink 😉

Time is passing quickly now and we shall soon be metaphorically adrift, floating to a new destination. Hopefully we won’t be physically adrift as that means the mooring pins will have come loose!

Soon you will be able to follow Adrift… a new animated webcomic that’s in development. Look back frequently for previews but to be in at the beginning, to see & follow you may like to sign up to buy us a Ko-fi

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rp – peace and webcomics