Tag Archives: Jazz material

One Ring to Rule Them All…

7 May 2020

One Ring to Rule Them All…

It’s getting nearer to Nb Silverdale day and preparation is paramount. mu is busily sorting tools, bolts and Lego (not necessarily in that order), deciding what will go on the boat. I am sorting vinyl and books, deciding that all will have to go on the boat…

During this review of worldly goods, I came across this book

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My well-read copy of Lord of the Rings. This is the copy I originally first read, back when I was a teenager. I’ve read it many times and am currently re-reading – I’m up to page 656. I actually have a copy of the same book that’s in one piece and that’s the one I’m reading.

Illustrated Ring

Another part of preparation is trying to get this blog ‘fit for purpose’. Its purpose is to document our life and times aboard Silverdale. With that in mind, mu created an illustration. It’s a life ring.

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This one ring will be important. It’s going to form the mast head of murpworks AFLOAT!

Designer Ring

All this got me onto thinking about another ring. One from a long way back when mu and I started out. Mu designed fashion and I did some hand screen-printing of t-shirts. We had set up in the shell of the disused Avon Rubber factory in Melksham, Wiltshire. It had ‘converted’ into units for business start-ups.

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A local newspaper of the time interviewed us and the article included a photograph. It appeared with mu and I, in a life ring, in some of mu’s clothing designs. The life ring was something we had to hand. I have no idea why! The photo under the heading read ‘The Designers Who Want to Come in From the Cold’ – there was no heating. I am trying to find the picture and when I do, I’ll post it. Back then, in the ’80’s, we never thought we would be living on a boat.

Three rings – from Lord of the Rings, through an illustration of a life ring to thoughts of a life ring. There is only one thing that could follow this

rp – peace and narrowboats